
The is the low level access to EPICS channel access library. It maps the corresponding C API to Python functions. Even though as same as possible, there are subtle differences:

  • The ca_ prefix of the C function name has been removed, e.g. C function ca_create_channel is now Python function create_channel().

  • The C function ca_context_destroy has been renamed to destroy_context() to have the same symmetry as XXX_context.

  • The two separate C functions ca_client_status and ca_context_status have been merged into show_context(). Internally it calls the appropriate C function depending on whether context is given.

  • The order of the argument might have been altered to allow default arguments, thus more pythonic. Take C function array_put_callback for example,

    int ca_array_put_callback
        chtype                 type,
        unsigned long          count,
        chid                   chanId,
        const void *           pValue,
        caEventCallBackFunc *  pFunc,
        void *                 pArg

    Its Python counterpart,

    put(chid, value, chtype=None, count=None, callback=None)

    Only two arguments are mandatory, which are the channel identifier and the value to write. The others are made optional and have reasonable defaults.

  • In C API the callback function handler has the following signature,

    void (*)(struct xxx_handler_args)

    In Python counterpart, the callback signature is

    def callback(epicsArgs):

    epicsArgs is a dict converted from xxx_handler_args.

  • C functions normally return status code to indicate success or failure. The Python counterparts follow this but have exceptions:

    • The get functions in C require a user supplied memory pointer passed as argument. In Python the function get() and sg_get() returns a tuple of form (ECA, DBRValue)

      The first item is the status code, which must be ECA.NORMAL, before using the second item.

      The second item holds the reference to the allocated memory. And the memory is not stable until a subsequent call of pend_io() returns ECA.NORMAL. Then the value can be retrieved by calling DBRValue.get().

    • All the creation functions, create_channel(), create_subscription() and sg_create() return a tuple of the form (ECA, object identifier). The object identifier can only be used if the first item is ECA.NORMAL.

  • In C the following macros definition are also accessible as enum.IntEnum type:

    C Macros Python Enum
    cs_xxx ChannelState
    XXX_ALARM (severity) AlarmSeverity
    XXX_ALARM (status) AlarmCondition

    This makes it convenient when interactively examine the code value. e.g.

    >>> ca.create_context(True)
    <ECA.NORMAL: 1>
    >>> status, chid = ca.create_channel('catest')
    >>> ca.pend_io(2)
    <ECA.NORMAL: 1>
    >>> ca.host_name(chid)
    >>> ca.field_type(chid)
    <DBF.DOUBLE: 6>
    >>> ca.element_count(chid)
    >>> ca.read_access(chid)
    >>> ca.write_access(chid)
    >>> ca.put(chid, 10)
    <ECA.NORMAL: 1>
    >>> ca.flush_io()
    <ECA.NORMAL: 1>
    >>> status, dbrvalue = ca.get(chid)
    >>> ca.pend_io(2)
    <ECA.NORMAL: 1>
    >>> dbrvalue.get()

Parameters:preemptive_callback (bool) – enable preemptive callback
  • ECA.NORMAL - Normal successful completion
  • ECA.ALLOCMEM - Failed, unable to allocate space in pool
  • ECA.NOTTHREADED - Current thread is already a member of a non-preemptive callback CA context
    (possibly created implicitly)

This function, or attach_context(), should be called once from each thread prior to making any of the other Channel Access calls. If one of the above is not called before making other CA calls then a non-preemptive context is created by default, and future attempts to create a preemptive context for the current threads will fail.

If preemptive callback is disabled then additional threads are not allowed to join the CA context using attach_context() because allowing other threads to join implies that CA callbacks will be called preemptively from more than one thread.

Shut down the calling thread’s channel access client context and free any resources allocated. Detach the calling thread from any CA client context.

Any user-created threads that have attached themselves to the CA context must stop using it prior to its being destroyed.

On many OS that execute programs in a process based environment the resources used by the client library such as sockets and allocated memory are automatically released by the system when the process exits and destroy_context() hasn’t been called, but on light weight systems such as vxWorks or RTEMS no cleanup occurs unless the application calls destroy_context().
Parameters:context (cdata) – The CA context to join with.

The calling thread becomes a member of the specified CA context. If context is non preemptive, then additional threads are not allowed to join the CA context because allowing other threads to join implies that CA callbacks will be called preemptively from more than one thread.

Detach from any CA context currently attached to the calling thread.

This does not cleanup or shutdown any currently attached CA context.
Returns:The current thread’s CA context. If none then None is returned., level=0)

Prints information about the client context including, at higher interest levels, status for each channel.

  • context (cdata, None) – The CA context to examine. Default is the calling threads CA context.
  • level (int) – The interest level. Increasing level produces increasing detail.

Channel, callback=None, priority=<CA_PRIORITY.MIN: 0>)

This function creates a CA channel.

  • name (str) – Process variable name string.
  • callback (callable, None) –

    Optional user’s call back function to be run when the connection state changes. Casual users of channel access may decide to leave it None if they do not need to have a call back function run in response to each connection state change event. The callback receives one dict argument including the following fields:

    field value
    chid channel identifier
    • CA_OP.CONN_UP - connected
    • CA_OP.CONN_DOWN - disconnected
  • priority (int, CA_PRIORITY) – The priority level for dispatch within the server or network, with 0 specifying the lowest dispatch priority and 99 the highest. This parameter currently does not impact dispatch priorities within the client, but this might change in the future. The abstract priority range specified is mapped into an operating system specific range of priorities within the server. This parameter is ignored if the server is running on a network or operating system that does not have native support for prioritized delivery or execution respectively. Specifying many different priorities within the same program can increase resource consumption in the client and the server because an independent virtual circuit, and associated data structures, is created for each priority that is used on a particular server.

(ECA, channel identifier or None)

The CA client library will attempt to establish and maintain a virtual circuit between the caller’s application and a named process variable in a CA server. Each call to ca_create_channel allocates resources in the CA client library and potentially also a CA server. The function clear_channel() is used to release these resources.

If successful, the routine returns a channel identifier. This identifier can be used with any channel access call that operates on a channel.

The circuit may be initially connected or disconnected depending on the state of the network and the location of the channel. A channel will only enter a connected state after the server’s address is determined, and only if channel access successfully establishes a virtual circuit through the network to the server. Channel access routines that send a request to a server will return ECA.DISCONNCHID if the channel is currently disconnected.

There are two ways to obtain asynchronous notification when a channel enters a connected state.

  • The first and simplest method requires that you call ca_pend_io(), and wait for successful completion, prior to using a channel that was created without specifying call back function.
  • The second method requires that you register a connection handler by supplying a valid connection callback function pointer. This connection handler is called whenever the connection state of the channel changes. If you have installed a connection handler then pend_io() will not block waiting for the channel to enter a connected state.

The function state() can be used to test the connection state of a channel. Valid connections may be isolated from invalid ones with this function pend_io() times out.

Due to the inherently transient nature of network connections the order of connection call backs relative to the order that create_channel() calls are made by the application can’t be guaranteed, and application programs may need to be prepared for a connected channel to enter a disconnected state at any time.

Shutdown and reclaim resources associated with a channel created by ca_create_channel().

Parameters:chid (cdata) – Channel identifier

All remote operation requests such as the above are accumulated (buffered) and not forwarded to the IOC until one of flush_io(), pend_io() or pend_event() are called. This allows several requests to be efficiently sent over the network in one message.

Clearing a channel does not cause its disconnect handler to be called, but clearing a channel does shutdown and reclaim any channel state change event subscriptions (monitors) registered with the channel., callback=None)

Change the connection event callback function.

  • chid – Channel identifier
  • callback – User’s call back function to be run when the connection state changes. The callback receives the same argument as create_channel(). This will replace the previous connection callback function. If an invalid callback is given, no connection callback is used.

Operation, callback, chtype=None, count=None, mask=None, use_numpy=False)

Register a state change subscription and specify a call back function to be invoked whenever the process variable undergoes significant state changes.

  • chid (cdata) – Channel identifier
  • callback (callable) –

    User supplied callback function to be run when requested operation completes. The callback receives one dict argument including the following fields:

    field value
    chid channel identifier
    type the type of the item returned, DBR
    count the element count of the item returned
    status status code of the request from the server, ECA
    value If type is a plain type, this is the PV’s value. Otherwise it is a dict containing the meta information associated with this type.
  • chtype (DBR, None) – The external type of the supplied value to be written. Conversion will occur if this does not match the native type. Default is the native type.
  • count (int, None) – Element count to be written to the channel. Default is native element count.
  • mask (DBE, None) – A mask with bits set for each of the event trigger types requested. The event trigger mask must be a bitwise or of one or more of DBE.
  • use_numpy (bool) – whether to format numeric waveform as numpy array

(ECA, event identifier or None)

A significant change can be a change in the process variable’s value, alarm status, or alarm severity. In the process control function block database the deadband field determines the magnitude of a significant change for the process variable’s value. Each call to this function consumes resources in the client library and potentially a CA server until one of clear_channel() or clear_subscription() is called.

Subscriptions may be installed or canceled against both connected and disconnected channels. The specified callback is called once immediately after the subscription is installed with the process variable’s current state if the process variable is connected. Otherwise, the specified callback is called immediately after establishing a connection (or reconnection) with the process variable. The specified callback is called immediately with the process variable’s current state from within create_subscription() if the client and the process variable share the same address space.

If a subscription is installed on a channel in a disconnected state then the requested count will be set to the native maximum element count of the channel if the requested count is larger.

All subscription requests such as the above are accumulated (buffered) and not forwarded to the IOC until one of flush_io(), pend_io(), or pend_event() are called. This allows several requests to be efficiently sent over the network in one message.

If at any time after subscribing, read access to the specified process variable is lost, then the call back will be invoked immediately indicating that read access was lost via the status argument. When read access is restored normal event processing will resume starting always with at least one update indicating the current state of the channel.

Cancel a subscription.

Parameters:evid (cdata) – event id returned by create_subscription()
  • ECA.NORMAL - Normal successful completion
  • ECA.BADCHID - Corrupted CHID

All cancel-subscription requests such as the above are accumulated (buffered) and not forwarded to the server until one of flush_io(), pend_io(), or pend_event() are called. This allows several requests to be efficiently sent together in one message., chtype=None, count=None, callback=None, use_numpy=False)

Read a scalar or array value from a process variable.

  • chid (cdata) – Channel identifier
  • chtype (int, DBR, None) – The external type of the supplied value to be written. Conversion on the server will occur if this does not match the native type. Default is the native type.
  • count (int, None) – Element count to be read from the specified channel. If callback is specified, a count of zero means use the current element count from the server.
  • callback (callable, None) –

    User supplied callback function to be run when requested operation completes. The callback receives one dict argument including the following fields:

    field value
    chid channel identifier
    type the type of the item returned, DBR
    count the element count of the item returned
    status status code of the request from the server, ECA
    value If type is a plain type, this is the PV’s value. Otherwise it is a dict containing the meta information associated with this type.
  • use_numpy (bool) – whether to format numeric waveform as numpy array

(ECA, DBRValue or None)

When no callback is specified, call DBRValue.get() to retrieve the value only if ECA.NORMAL is returned from a subsequent pend_io(). If a connection is lost outstanding ca get requests are not automatically reissued following reconnect.

When callback is specified a value is read from the channel and then the user’s callback is invoked with a dict containing the value. Note that ca_pend_io will not block for the delivery of values. If the channel disconnects before a ca get callback request can be completed, then the clients call back function is called with failure status.

All of these functions return ECA.DISCONN if the channel is currently disconnected.

All get requests are accumulated (buffered) and not forwarded to the IOC until one of flush_io(), pend_io(), or pend_event() are called. This allows several requests to be efficiently sent over the network in one message., value, chtype=None, count=None, callback=None)

Write a scalar or array value to a process variable.

  • chid (cdata) – Channel identifier
  • value (int, float, bytes, str, tuple, list, array) –

    A scalar or array value to be written to the channel. If value is of string type, it will first be convert to bytes using UTF8 codec. And the following conversion may be involved:

    request type conversion
    DBR.STRING nothing
    DBR.ENUM request type is changed to DBR.STRING
    DBR.CHAR a list of byte integers
    Other types a float number
  • chtype (int, DBR, None) – The external type of the supplied value to be written. Conversion on the server will occur if this does not match the native type. Default is the native type.
  • count (int, None) – Element count to be written to the channel. Default is native element count. But it can be reduced to match the length of user supplied value.
  • callback (callable, None) –

    User supplied callback function to be run when requested operation completes. The callback receives one dict argument including the following fields:

    field value
    chid channel identifier
    type DBR.INVALID (-1)
    count 0
    status status code of the request from the server, ECA

When invoked without callback the client will receive no response unless the request can not be fulfilled in the server. If unsuccessful an exception handler is run on the client side.

When invoked with callback the user supplied asynchronous call back is called only after the initiated write operation, and all actions resulting from the initiating write operation, complete.

If unsuccessful the call back function is invoked indicating failure status.

If the channel disconnects before a put callback request can be completed, then the client’s call back function is called with failure status, but this does not guarantee that the server did not receive and process the request before the disconnect. If a connection is lost and then resumed outstanding ca put requests are not automatically reissued following reconnect.

All of these functions return ECA.DISCONN if the channel is currently disconnected.

All put requests are accumulated (buffered) and not forwarded to the IOC until one of flush_io(), pend_io(), or pend_event() are called. This allows several requests to be efficiently combined into one message.

Execution, early)
  • timeout (float) – Specifies the time out interval. A timeout interval of zero specifies forever.
  • early (bool) – Call pend_io() if early is True otherwise pend_event() is called

  • ECA.NORMAL - Normal successful completion
  • ECA.TIMEOUT - Selected IO requests didn’t complete before specified timeout
  • ECA.EVDISALLOW - Function inappropriate for use within an event handler

This function flushes the send buffer and then blocks until outstanding get requests without callback complete, and until channels created without callback connect for the first time.

Parameters:timeout (float) – Specifies the time out interval. A timeout interval of zero specifies forever.
  • ECA.NORMAL - Normal successful completion
  • ECA.TIMEOUT - Selected IO requests didn’t complete before specified timeout
  • ECA.EVDISALLOW - Function inappropriate for use within an event handler

If ECA.NORMAL is returned then it can be safely assumed that all outstanding get requests without callback have completed successfully and channels created without callback have connected for the first time.

If ECA.TIMEOUT is returned then it must be assumed for all previous get requests and properly qualified first time channel connects have failed.

If ECA.TIMEOUT is returned then get requests may be reissued followed by a subsequent call to pend_io(). Specifically, the function will block only for outstanding get requests issued, and also any channels created without callback, after the last call to ca_pend_io() or ca client context creation whichever is later. Note that create_channel() requests generally should not be reissued for the same process variable unless clear_channel() is called first.

If no get or connection state change events are outstanding then pend_io() will flush the send buffer and return immediately without processing any outstanding channel access background activities.

The delay specified should take into account worst case network delays such as Ethernet collision exponential back off until retransmission delays which can be quite long on overloaded networks.

Unlike pend_event(), this routine will not process CA’s background activities if none of the selected IO requests are pending.

The send buffer is flushed and CA background activity is processed for timeout seconds.

Parameters:timeout (float) – The duration to block in this routine in seconds. A timeout of zero seconds blocks forever.

The pend_event() function will not return before the specified timeout expires and all unfinished channel access labor has been processed, and unlike pend_io() returning from the function does not indicate anything about the status of pending IO requests.

It return ECA.TIMEOUT when successful. This behavior probably isn’t intuitive, but it is preserved to insure backwards compatibility.

See also Thread Safety and Preemptive Callback to User Code.

The send buffer is flushed and any outstanding CA background activity is processed.


same as pend_event(1e-12)

Flush outstanding IO requests to the server.


This routine might be useful to users who need to flush requests prior to performing client side labor in parallel with labor performed in the server. Outstanding requests are also sent whenever the buffer which holds them becomes full.

This function tests to see if all get requests are complete and channels created without a connection callback function are connected. It will report the status of outstanding get requests issued, and channels created without connection callback function, after the last call to ca_pend_io() or CA context initialization whichever is later.


Parameters:chid (cdata) – channel identifier
Returns:the native type in the server of the process variable.
Return type:DBF
Parameters:chid (cdata) – channel identifier
Returns:the maximum array element count in the server for the specified IO channel.
Parameters:chid (cdata) – channel identifier
Returns:the name provided when the supplied channel id was created.
Parameters:chid (cdata) – channel identifier
Returns:the connection state
Return type:ChannelState
Parameters:status (int) – CA status code
Returns:a message corresponding to a user specified CA status code.
Parameters:chid – channel identifier
Returns:the name of the host to which a channel is currently connected.
Parameters:chid – channel identifier
Returns:True if the client currently has read access to the specified channel and False otherwise.
Parameters:chid – channel identifier
Returns:True if the client currently has write access to the specified channel and False otherwise.


Create a synchronous group and return an identifier for it.

Returns:(ECA, int or None)

A synchronous group can be used to guarantee that a set of channel access requests have completed. Once a synchronous group has been created then channel access get and put requests may be issued within it using sg_get() and sg_put() respectively. The routines sg_block() and sg_test() can be used to block for and test for completion respectively. The routine sg_reset() is used to discard knowledge of old requests which have timed out and in all likelihood will never be satisfied.

Any number of asynchronous groups can have application requested operations outstanding within them at any given time.

Deletes a synchronous group.

Parameters:gid (int) – Identifier of the synchronous group to be deleted.
Returns:, chid, chtype=None, count=None, use_numpy=False)

Read a value from a channel and increment the outstanding request count of a synchronous group.

  • gid (int) – Identifier of the synchronous group.
  • chid (cdata) – Channel identifier
  • chtype (int, DBR, None) – External type of returned value. Conversion on the server will occur if this does not match native type.
  • count (int, None) – Element count to be read from the specified channel.
  • use_numpy – whether to format numeric waveform as numpy array

(ECA, DBRValue or None)

Call DBRValue.get() to retrieve the value only if ECA.NORMAL has been received from ca_sg_block , or until sg_test() returns True.

All remote operation requests such as the above are accumulated (buffered) and not forwarded to the server until one of flush_io(), pend_io(), or pend_event() are called. This allows several requests to be efficiently sent in one message.

If a connection is lost and then resumed outstanding gets are not reissued., chid, value, chtype=None, count=None)

Write a value, or array of values, to a channel and increment the outstanding request count of a synchronous group.

  • gid (int) – Synchronous group identifier
  • chid (cdata) – Channel identifier
  • value (int, float, bytes, str, tuple, list, array) –

    The value or array of values to write. If value is of string type, it will first be convert to bytes using UTF8 codec. And the following conversion may be involved:

    request type conversion
    DBR.STRING nothing
    DBR.ENUM request type is changed to DBR.STRING
    DBR.CHAR a list of byte integers
    Other types a float number
  • chtype (int, DBR) – The type of supplied value. Conversion on the server will occur if it does not match the native type.
  • count – The element count to be written to the specified channel.

All remote operation requests such as the above are accumulated (buffered) and not forwarded to the server until one of flush_io(), pend_io() or pend_event() are called. This allows several requests to be efficiently sent in one message.

If a connection is lost and then resumed outstanding puts are not reissued., timeout)

Flushes the send buffer and then waits until outstanding requests complete or the specified time out expires. At this time outstanding requests include calls to sg_get() and calls to sg_put(). If ECA.TIMEOUT is returned then failure must be assumed for all outstanding queries. Operations can be reissued followed by another sg_block(). This routine will only block on outstanding queries issued after the last call to sg_block(), sg_reset(), or sg_create() whichever occurs later in time. If no queries are outstanding then sg_block() will return immediately without processing any pending channel access activities.

Values written into your program’s variables by a channel access synchronous group request should not be referenced by your program until ECA.NORMAL has been received from sg_block(). This routine will process pending channel access background activity while it is waiting.

  • gid (int) – Identifier of the synchronous group.
  • timeout (float) – Specifies the time out interval. A timeout interval of zero specifies forever.

Test to see if all requests made within a synchronous group have completed.

Parameters:gid (int) – Identifier of the synchronous group.

Reset the number of outstanding requests within the specified synchronous group to zero so that sg_test() will return True and sg_block() will not block unless additional subsequent requests are made.

Parameters:gid (int) – Identifier of the synchronous group.


Replace the currently installed CA context global exception handler call back.

Parameters:callback (callable, None) –

User callback function to be executed when an exceptions occur. Passing None causes the default exception handler to be reinstalled. The argument is a dict including the following fields:

field value
chid channel identifier (may be NULL)
type type requested
count count requested
addr user’s address to write results of CA_OP.GET (may be NULL)
stat status code, ECA
op operation, CA_OP
ctx a character string containing context info
file source file name (may be empty)
lineNo source file line number (may be zero)

When an error occurs in the server asynchronous to the clients thread then information about this type of error is passed from the server to the client in an exception message. When the client receives this exception message an exception handler callback is called.

The default exception handler prints a diagnostic message on the client’s standard out and terminates execution if the error condition is severe.


Certain fields are not applicable in the context of some error messages. For instance, a failed get will supply the address in the client task where the returned value was requested to be written. For other failed operations the value of the addr field should not be used., callback=None)

Install or replace the access rights state change callback handler for the specified channel.

  • chid (cdata) – The channel identifier
  • callback (callable, None) –

    User supplied call back function. Passing None uninstalls the current handler. The callback receives one dict argument including the following fields:

    field value
    chid channel identifier
    read_access True if with read access rights
    write_access True if with write access rights

The callback handler is called in the following situations.

  • whenever CA connects the channel immediately before the channel’s connection handler is called
  • whenever CA disconnects the channel immediately after the channel’s disconnect call back is called
  • once immediately after installation if the channel is connected.
  • whenever the access rights state of a connected channel changes

When a channel is created no access rights handler is installed.

class<DBR.INVALID: -1>, count=0, cvalue=<cdata 'void *' NULL>, use_numpy=False)
  • dbrtype – The external type of the supplied cvalue
  • count – Element count of the supplied cvalue
  • cvalue – Pointer to the structure of dbrtype with count element
  • use_numpy (bool) – whether to format numeric waveform as numpy array

An convenient object to represent the value returned by and It holds the reference to the memory allocated by the get functions, in addition the type and element count information.

Once the memory is assured to be stable, normally when the gets function completed with success, call get() to get the returned values.

Returns:Value for plain DBR_XXXX type or a dict for DBR_STS_XXXX etc.


This method should be called only if the get request has succeeded.



Enum redefined from ECA_XXX status code


ARRAY16KCLIENT is used in place of ECA_16KARRAYCLIENT, while variable name cannot start with a number.

Returns:the string representation of the status code

Channel subscription request failed


Unable to allocate additional dynamic memory


Invalid channel identifier


Invalid element count requested


Invalid channel priority

BADSTR = 186

Invalid string


Invalid synchronous group identifier


The data type specified is invalid


Identical process variable names on multiple servers


Virtual circuit disconnect


The request was ignored because the specified channel is disconnected


Request inappropriate within subscription (monitor) update callback


Channel read request failed

IODONE = 339

IO operations have completed


IO operations are in progress


Thread is already attached to a client context


Normal successful completion


Preemptive callback not enabled - additional threads may not join context


Channel write request failed


Channel write request failed


The supplied string is unusually large


User specified timeout on IO operation expired


The requested data transfer is greater than available memory or EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES


Not supported by attached service

Returns:the string representation of the status code
Returns:the severity of the status code
Return type:CA_K

Enum redefined from DBF_XXX macros.

CHAR = 4




ENUM = 3




INT = 1

int16, synonym of SHORT


the channel’s native type when disconnected

LONG = 5





array of 40 characters


Enum redefined from DBR_XXX macros.

Returns:True if type is STRING or one of XXX_STRING
Returns:True if type is SHORT or one of XXX_SHORT
Returns:True if type is FLOAT or one of XXX_FLOAT
Returns:True if type is ENUM or one of XXX_ENUM
Returns:True if type is CHAR or one of XXX_CHAR
Returns:True if type is LONG or one of XXX_LONG
Returns:True if type is DOUBLE or one of XXX_DOUBLE
Returns:True if type is one of STRING, SHORT, FLOAT, ENUM, CHAR, LONG, DOUBLE
Returns:True if type is one of STS_XXX
Returns:True if type is one of TIME_XXX
Returns:True if type is one of GR_XXX
Returns:True if type is one of CTRL_XXX

Enum redefined from DBE_XXX macros.


Trigger an event when the alarm state changes


Trigger an event when an archive significant change in the channel’s value occurs. Relies on the archiver monitor deadband field under DCT.


Trigger an event when a property change (control limit, graphical limit, status string, enum string …) occurs.


Trigger an event when a significant change in the channel’s value occurs. Relies on the monitor deadband field under DCT.


Enum redefined from C enum channel_state


channel deleted

CONN = 2

valid chid, IOC was found, still available


valid chid, IOC not found

invalid chid


valid chid, IOC was found, but unavailable


Enum redefined from CA_PRIORITY_XXX macros.


Enum redefined from C macros CA_OP_XXX






connection lost


connection established


create channel

GET = 0

get value



PUT = 1

put value


Enum redefined from C enum type epicsAlarmSeverity. Due to the enum difference between C and Python, the enum item name has been greatly simplified:

epicsSevNone  -> AlarmSeverity.No
epicsSevMinor -> AlarmSeverity.Minor


No is used in place of None, which is Python keyword.


Enum redefined from C enum type epicsAlarmCondition. Due to the enum difference between C and Python, the enum item name has been greatly simplified:

epicsAlarmNone -> AlarmCondition.No
epicsAlarmRead -> AlarmCondition.Read


No is used in place of None, which is Python keyword.

Module caffi.dbr

caffi.dbr.format_dbr(dbrType, count, dbrValue, use_numpy)

Convert the specified dbr data structure to Python dict

  • dbrType – The data type, DBR_XXX
  • count – The array element count
  • dbrValue – A pointer of data of the specified type and number

A dict filled with the values from the C structure fields.